Unbreak Me by Lexi Ryan Cover Reveal

unbreak me
Unbreak Me by Lexi Ryan
Publication date:  May 27th, 2013
Genre: New Adult Romance

“If you’re broken, I’ll fix you…”

I’m only twenty-one and already damaged goods. A slut. A failure. A disappointment to my picture-perfect family as long as I can remember. I called off my wedding to William Bailey, the only man who thought I was worth fixing. A year later, he’s marrying my sister. Unless I ask him not to…

“If you shatter, I’ll find you…”

But now there’s Asher Logan, a broken man who sees the fractures in my façade and doesn’t want to fix me at all. Asher wants me to stop hiding, to stop pretending. Asher wants to break down my walls. But that means letting him see my ugly secrets and forgiving him for his.

With my past weighing down on me, do I want the man who holds me together or the man who gives me permission to break?


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Ryan writes romances with humor, heat, and heart. Her books are described as fun, flirty, and wickedly sexy. A lover of learning, Lexi has been in the classroom all her life and currently holds the title of assistant professor of English at her local community college. Lexi is a proud member of Romance Writers of America. She lives in rural Indiana with her husband and two children.
Author links:
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Follow the White Rabbit – Cover Reveal

white rabbit cover
Follow the White Rabbit by Kellie Sheridan
Series: Beautiful Madness, #1
Publication date: May 21, 2013 
Genre: YA Fantasy

For centuries, Wonderland thrived as the domain of beautiful bedlam and unapologetic madness. It was a place like no other. All it took was one girl slipping in through the cracks of the universe to start chaos spiraling toward order. In the 150 years since Alice’s visit, the realm has become tainted—almost normal. Rabbits in waistcoats and playing card minions are little more than creatures of myth, and Wonderland is literally falling to pieces.

For Gwen, Rose, and Lucky, Wonderland is home, and yet they know little of its former glory. When the Alice prophecy resurfaces, they’ll have one chance to use Wonderland’s own legends to bring a little mayhem back into their reality. For she who controls Alice controls the fate of Wonderland.

kelliesheridanAUTHOR BIO
Kellie Sheridan is a Canadian author and book blogger. When not reading books or writing, she also works with books. She is currently working with two small publishers on the marketing/publicity side of things, and is also Joan of ARCs at Spencer Hill Press. In her spare time Kellie watches way too much television and travels whenever she has the opportunity.
Kellie’s first YA novel, Mortality was released in March, and she is currently hard at work on future writing projects.
Author links:




  1. Vigilante Nights by Erin Richards + Giveaway
  2. By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart – Cover Reveal + Giveaway x2
  3. Aberrant by Ruth Silver – Book Blitz + Giveaway
  4. The Spiral Arm by Peter Boland + Giveaway

Of Silver and Beasts Book Blitz!



“What’s your rank, baby blue eyes?” the guy asks, pushing off his cot and stalking toward the prince.

Everything in me screams to act, but I don’t want to declare alliances this early on. Not without understanding the dynamic of placements and bonds already formed among these people. But I’ll not let this hulk of a man harm the prince. I brace my heel against the wall, ready to push off and lunge.

Prince Caben rises to his feet, slowly turning to face him. He straightens his spine, squaring his shoulders. “I don’t have one. And my name is Payne. Not ‘baby blue eyes’, meathead.”

Big guy laughs, his husky voice bounces off the rock walls. “I’m Crew”—he beats his chest hard once, like a barbarian—“and I’ve won three fights. I’ll win the next two and be the one awarded the freedom ring.” He leans down toward Prince Caben, leveling their faces. “So don’t even think about you or your princess over there walking out of here. I’m ranked as a Colossal. The strongest Colossal in Bax’s league.”

Princess? I nearly scoff. Then I realize what the problem with Crew is: he feels threatened by Prince Caben. That revelation almost makes me laugh out right. What does a big stack of muscles like Crew have to fear from the prince?

The other prisons slowly circle around the stand-off in the center of the cell. Tension thickens the musty air. It coils around my spine, tightening my muscles. If I allow the fight to continue without interruption, will the guards stop it? They’d want their fighters in pristine shape, wouldn’t they?

Prince Caben doesn’t back away from Crew. Instead, he moves into his space. I roll my eyes. Stupid, conceited man.

“Freedom ring?” the prince questions. “As in, there’s a chance to leave?” He rubs his chin, and I notice the dark shadow of facial hair that has darkened his features overnight. “Is there a season that has to be won, or can someone gain five wins during their entire imprisonment?”

Crew’s eyebrows pinch together. He’s clearly despondent that he hasn’t succeeded in intimidating the prince. “We’re in a season right now, you weakling. If you don’t win—you’re dead. Which by the looks of you, will happen in your first match.”

Prince Caben nods, as if he’s simply piecing together a jigsaw puzzle and not being told of his demise. “What is the cuff for?” He points to the iron clamp around Crew’s wrist.

“It’s our biometric monitor.” Crew shoves the cuff up close to the prince’s face. “See those three blue lights? Those are my wins. When the fifth lights up, I’m outta’ here.”

“Has anyone ever won the freedom ring before?” Prince Caben asks.

Crew’s massive arms tremble. “No,” he grinds out. “But I will.” He cocks his cuffed hand back, then sends a blow to Prince Caben’s chin.


I’m up and racing across the cell before the prince hits the ground. Crew spots me from his peripheral. He turns and swipes the air. I duck, roll, and come up behind him. I jump on the cot and leap onto his back.

“You squirrely little …” he mumbles, trying to reach over his shoulders to get a hold on me.

Tightening my arms around his thick neck, I squeeze. He gasps for air, and rams my back into the wall. I wheeze as the air whooshes from my lungs, pain splintering through my already bruised chest. But I hold tight, bearing down harder, and cut off his supply of oxygen.

Finally, I feel Crew weaken beneath my hold. He drops to his knees, and I only release him once I’m sure he’s knocked out.

Stepping around the now limp Crew, I glance at all the wide eyes studying me, and meet the prince’s. Fury ignites his stormy blue irises. He picks himself off the floor and heads toward one of the side chambers, throwing the tattered material aside as he stalks inside.

I follow after him. When I step inside the tiny, dank room, my eyes trail Prince Caben as he paces. He reaches each side of the small chamber with three quick strides. Back and forth.

On his third round, I open my mouth and get out a single syllable before he holds up a hand, halting me. He drives his hand through his dark hair. “Thank you for making me look like a spineless jerk.” He shakes his head and faces me.

Taken aback, I say, “This is my duty to protect—”

“No. In your country it was your duty to guard me. In my world and here”—he opens his arms wide—“a man fights his own battles. He does not depend on a woman to fight them for him. You just disgraced me.”

Fire simmers in my core. “I’m still assigned as your protector no matter what realm we inhabit, Your High—” I stop myself before addressing him by title out of habit. “Your pride is polluting your reasoning.”

He laughs. “Yes, well. Thanks to your show out there, I no longer have my pride to worry about.”


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Shattered Grace Free on Amazon!

Una dintre cele mai frumoase carti este acum gratis pe Amazon!

25-26 Aprilie






Ce faci cand simti ca ai facut prea multe prostii in luna aprilie? Spui „M-am saturat de luna asta!”? Poate da, poate nu…

Raspunsul meu: mai faci altele!

Eh, da! Acu’ va intrebati: „Ce a patit, ma, asta? ”

Eh, da! Si eu adaug: „Daca trebuie sa povestesc, probabil ca mi-ar lua inca o luna…”. Povestesc 2 cuvinte: Miercuri/ Joi… sau doua zile…

Ma rog, probabil ca stiti cum e cu adolescentii, trezirea, scoala, acasa, somn… Si eu incep cu trezirea, apoi cu „dezombificarea” (= stiti, fata pe care o vezi in oglinda, cand te trezesti la 7:00 si de care trebuie sa scapi – desi ai adormit- probabil lucrand la materia „Lenea” – pe la 4:00 ). Daca nu te „dezombifici”? Nu-i nimic, ramai asa si treci la urmatoarea etapa, mananci, iti arunci ceva haine pe tine, nici prea subtiri dar nici prea groase (Ce, vrei sa inghet?), te mai invarti putin prin casa (mama ce tare e peretele ala), si hop, iti aduci aminte ca nu ai cartile puse in ghiozdan. „E 7:45, mai am timp.” faci si ultimul lucru, dar ceasul imi spune ca e 7:55. „Hmm… tati e acasa, ma duce el cu masina. 😈 ” , ajungi bine, tocmai la fizica, desi e trecut de fix, profesoara inca nu a venit. Mai stai, mai citesti, cand vezi ca intra in clasa, te apuca o durere groaznica de cap, vezi ca e profesoara fericita, mai scade durerea, vezi ca se apuca de predat, uiti de durere, si cand te scoate la tabla la o problema, durerea revine uiti tot ce ai invatat cu o zi inainte si incerci sa inghiti  cuvintele frumoase spuse  de cea la catedra. A 2-a ora ai romana… „Daca ma asculta, daca ma asculta.” Nu mai reusesti sa mai faci nimic, ai intrat in panica, si din nou, uiti ce ai invatat (de fiecare data!), scapi si de asta, ai trecut de ce-i mai greu, te astepti la unicorni si fluturasi dar ziua iti da nori, tunete si fulgere 😡 . Nu, nu din cauza orelor, ci din cauza ca  ai sedinta cu ceilalti din CSE, iar ei nu au adus materilale + ca au schimbat ora la care trebuia sa va intalniti. „Ce nai..?” desi ati fost de acord cu ora 12, ei nuuu, ei vor la 11(ca sa scape de ora de romana). Cutremur, uragan, sfarsitul lumii. Va certati si spui „Sedinta anulata!”, si totusi te simti vinovata, aveati sedinta iar ei nu au invatat pentru ca au crezut ca… „Eh, si? Noi aveam de la 12, nu de la 11, va descurcati! „, unii se bosumfa, asa ca restabiliti: „Maine, dar de la ce ora ?” , „De la 12, avem romana.”, „Aveti romana, dar eu nu va pot scuza si de data asta, dar si maine. Astazi sunteti pe cont propriu!”. Te duci la ore iti vezi de unicornii si de fluturasii tai- cam sifonati dar meg si asa- ajungi acasa, te joci cu pisica, tableta, catetii, mai stai, mai mananci – oricum, ziua urmatoare nu ai decat doua ore mai urate, matematica / fizica, iti vezi de treaba, se face intuneric. Te apuci de teme… te mai uiti in oglinda, vezi o cutie cu ceara si consideri ca trebuie incalzita. Te apuca 11 noaptea si te duci in bucatarie sa o incazesti pe aragaz, cica. O lasi, dar nu prea mult ca sa nu se prinda ai tai ce faci – cu toate ca ei sunt in camera lor, la etaj, si nu ma vad- „au usa deschisa, poate ma aud”, iti spui in mine… „Nu ma aud.” si iti vezi de treaba ta, te duci in baie, pui cutia in chiuveta. Ceara nu e topita- prea mult-, dar incerci sa  amesteci. „E greu, apas umpic…” si maresti puterea, si inca putin si inca putin, pana iti „aluneca” degetul in continutul fierbinte si peste tot vezi numai ceara 😯 – pe podea, in chiuveta, pe perete, pe degetul tau. Pe degetul tau? E fierbnte, pune-l in apa! „A, ce bine e…” Pe perete? „Cum a .. ?” Te miri, baia e mare, dar nu poti sa iti dai seama cu a ajuns acolo. Incuie usa, stai putin sa memorezi fiecare particica din capodopera ta, te uiti la deget „Inca frige.”, si iti amintesi ca nu ai idee cum poti sa dai ceara jos fara a-ti „executa” si pielea, nu prea ai cum. Iti imaginezi diferite scenarii, sange, piele arsa, durere, deget cazut, in final nimic nu se intampla, esti putin dezamagita, si te apuci de curatat podeau si peretii. „Arata ca un trol! 😆 „, ai baia verde, ce altceva putea sa-ti treaca prin minte? A, da, iti mai trece prin minte momentul in care sor’ta a varsat ceara… pe covor. „Da Vinci si Picasso!” 😳 . In sfarsit termini, dar te mai uiti de un milion de ori, trebuie sa te asiguri ca nu mai sunt „martori” care te-ar putea condamna la o saptamana de intrebari enervante si alte chestii. Te intorci in camera, mai repeti la fizica (de, ai si ziua urmatoare), si te culci.

Ziua urmatoare ce sa faci? O iei de la capat. Matematica prima ora, profesorul va da o veste buna – pe 9 Mai – Cerc la matematica, suntem invitati (aha, ce veste buna! :-s). Se duce si ora asta, dupa ai franceza, nu te intereseaza- ai nota deci poti sa faci nimic. A 3-a ora fizica, iar isi intra durerea in rol, bla-bla, si dai in „bla-blauri” la o lucrare neanuntata -Hopa!- de data asta mintea nu-ti mai face feste, o termini intr-o jumatate de ora, dai lucrarea si iei un 10 (nu a fost cine stie ce, doar o verificare). Vede profesoara ca voi doua (si colega de banca) stati degeaba („Ma gandeam, nu stateam degeaba.”), va da o problema, te scoate la tabla si uiti iar- bine ca nu te-a pus sa o rezolvi -acolo- pentru ca nu-ti mai aduceai aminte nici cum te cheama. Incerci sa intelegi cum au luat ceilalti notele alea (3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, etc), in timp ce rezolvi problema, se suna si uiti si de asta. Acu’ ai engleza, nu te intereseaza nici asta, nu te asculta, ai note. Dupa, religie. Pleci. Sedinta. In timpul sedinteti, incaperea plina de fum (ce mai e si cu ganditul asta…), iti vibreaza telefonul ❓ . Cand pe ecran scrie „Nr. necunoscut” raspunzi („Asta e tati” – el mai suna asa), auzi o voce de barbat 😯 , cunoscuta, („dar tati nu am suna in timpul scolii”) iti dai seama cine e si te transformi intr-o rosie (cam mare, si cam slabanoaga ), ceilalti incep sa rada dar numai tu ai idee cine te-a sunat. „Aoleu asta e profesorul de religie.”, normal, nu te-a vazut in clasa si a cerut numarul de la colegi- o fi crezut ca ai chiulit, desi nu ai facut-o pana acum… Ii explici ce si cum, si mai ales, unde iti sunt celalti 2 colegi, inchizi si iti vezi de treaba, tot rosie la fata- merge si asa. Se duce si scoala, acum stau in fata calculatorului si ma gandesc „M-am saturat de luna asta!”.

Luna Mai o sa fie  si mai si – Luna Tezelor! Bafta tuturor!

Ce??? Imi place melodia… 😀


Surrender + Justice Bookmark Giveaway

Surrender ebooklg

Buna, dragilor!

Am decis sa organizez un concurs, dar tin sa va spun ca nu voi putea alege decat un singur castigator. Regulile autoarei.

Este simplu, nu trebuie decat sa completati ce va cere „Rafflecopter-ul” de mai jos.

(Important!) La sfarsit, cand castigatorul va fi ales, el trebuie sa ma contacteze in max. 24h, daca nu, se va alege un alt castigator. Imi pare rau sa spun asta, dar trebuie sa dau mai departe adresa respectivului autoarei, si timpul nu o sa-mi permita sa astept prea mult.

Click aici:  Rafflecopter giveaway


Surrender Book Blitz + Giveaway



Young Adult Fantasy / Paranormal Romance

How far would you go to save everything you ever loved?

Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman. One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn’t listen, and because of what she is– a Flame– one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war. In a desperate attempt to save her home and her love, Kaliel tries to awaken Avred, not knowing she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Surrender ebooklg



The banks of the river were sloppy and full of muck. Krishani watched as clumps of mud were drenched by more of the murky waters, eventually forcing the clumps to fall into the river entirely. He never knew where he was when he dreamed, but they always began like this, in the dead silence, in the din of places he had never been before. The only place he had ever seen rivers were in his dreams, and the only time he heard about rivers was when the brothers talked about the Lands of Men. This river was no exception. He waited for the other thing he would see, the things he had seen since he woke up a child in a forest, abandoned by the men. He remembered they smelled like sweat and firewood. It was a musky male smell that the elders in Avristar never possessed no matter how blistering hot it got in summer.

      Water babbled as it rushed over the rock bed of the river. Little pools of ripples fluttered across the surface. Krishani grew anxious. He hung there, seeing nothing but clumps of mud let go of the banks and follow the ride of the winding river. He peered down-stream and saw it curve and curl as it cut through the tall spruce trees on either side. Part of him wanted to wake up, but part of him hated the reality he would wake up to. Days of careful planning, of menial tasks, nothing like what he endured during the rites; this was much more intense. He was always aware during his dreams, as though he was really there, watching from the shadows. He turned his attention upstream. There was a body floating face down, moving towards him. A white shirt swished around the body and clung to tanned skin underneath. Sandy blond hair covered its head and bare ankles floated up out of the water. Krishani moved instinctively, throwing off his cloak, planning on diving in after the body, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

      Krishani looked to his right and saw nothing but the river bank. A tall man with his back turned came into view, plodding along the banks with body language that said he was equally disappointed. The floating body belonged to a child, maybe nine or ten.

     Krishani hung his head and watched the body float downstream, knowing there was nothing he could do to help. The boy was already dead. 

Words from them…

„Conceptually, it is one of the most stunning and beautifully written fantasy novels, that I’ve read in a long time. The world bends to desire, melts into gorgeous scenery, and delights in telling a story that will definitely take you on an epic journey that you won’t soon forget. The fantasy is rich and deeply beguiling. The characters and their world is intriguing and full of so much mystery and suspense, that you won’t want to put the book down. It has every element that a fantastic fantasy novel should have and so much more to offer the reader.” Suz at A Soul Unsung
„My head is still spinning a bit about the plot though because I can’t believe it. It’s better than ice cream for a break up. The plot was original, the characters were relatable and down to earth despite not living on Earth.” – Courtney at Readable Charper
„Surrender is definitely full of emotion and will take you on an incredible journey through the eyes of these two incredible characters.” Lucy at Moonlight Gleam 
„Reading this book felt like reading a classic, but with everything I love in a book: romance, heartbreak, and lots of action! I would recommend this book to EVERYONE and then dare them not to fall in love with it!” – Sammie Spencer, Author of Amaretto Flame
„Rhiannon Paille creates a unique and beautiful world that will draw you in and make you remember what it was like to be young, innocent, and full of wonder.” Cory Putman Oakes, Author of The Veil
„Surrender is hands down one of my favorite fantasy books ever. YA or not, this is just pure awesomeness and every fantasy fan should read it. It’s a delectable, rich in detail, numbingly brilliant and swoon-worthy read that you can’t afford to miss out on.” Evie at Bookish Evie

About  Rhiannon Paille


Rhi is the weird one in the red lipstick. She writes Young Adult Fantasy, Dystopian, Urban Fantasy and sometimes Contemporary. When she’s not writing she’s reading minds, singing karaoke, and burning cookies. You can find her sipping iced cappucino at www.yafantasyauthor.com


SURRENDER + JUSTICE will be FREE on April 24th and April 25th                       





Rhiannon put together a grand prize for ONE lucky international winner, to be drawn on April 26th. Author is giving away:

A signed Paperback Copy of Surrender (The Ferryman + The Flame #1)                                                 

– A signed Paperback Copy of Justice (The Ferryman + The Flame #2)

 Click here:   Rafflecopter giveaway to enter.



Surrender + Justice Bookmark Giveaway


Concurs Mythical books

Un nou concurs: http://mythicalbooks.blogspot.ro/2013/04/giveaway-flight-by-lindsay-leggett-book.html