NU iti trebuie 12GB RAM ca sa faci orele pe Google Classroom…


Un mic adevar?

Si a trecut un an, huh?

Nu stiu cum a trecut pentru voi, al meu a fost cam ciudat, inca nu imi dau seama unde sa il incadrez… un an bun sau unul prost? Unul de care o sa imi fie dor sau nu?

Am terminat clasa a XII-a, s-a dus si Bacalaureatul. 9.50, oameni buni, 9.50! Si.. trebuie sa ma laud: 9,70 – Romana; 10 – Matematica si 8,80 – Biologie. Am cam dat-o in bara cu Biologia, dar Pamantul inca isi continua rotatiile in jurul Soarelui, asa ca sunt fericita. Mai sunt fericita si pentru simplul fapt ca am reusit sa trec peste cei 4 ani ingrozitori intr-un liceu ingrozitor. Adica, serios, numai 2-3 profesori erau capabili sa isi faca orele cum trebuie, dintre care numai un profesor preda materie de Bacalaureat. In plus, zilele trecute am gasit ceva in ziarul orasului in care se vorbea despre promovabilitatea examenului si cum acest lucru se datoreaza cadrelor didactice care „au depus eforturi importante in cresterea…” bla bla bla! Tampenii! Au fost cam 30 inscrisi dintre care numai 14 sau 15 au luat, 3 din promotiile trecute si restul colegi cu mine, si toti am fost nevoiti sa facem meditatii peste meditatii. Cu Biologia am luat-o de la 0 pentru ca profesorii erau „prea ocupati”, saracii de ei, ca se ne predea, ca sa isi bata capu’ cu noi dupa ore, cand, normal, trebuiau sa fie niste ore suplimentare pentru prostii de a XII-a. Da’ cred ca „nu invata nimic” a fost o scuza mult prea buna pentru conducere. E frumos, e frumos sa nu iti bati capu’ pentru niste prosti de a XII-a, nu? Cred ca sunteti persoane cu foarte mult respect si va este rusine sa faceti observatie unor profesori care nu isi fac orele, care stau cu bautura 24/24h sau fumeaza cu elevii pe hol. Pai, ce naiba? Fiecare cu treaba lui, nu? Eu sunt pusa in functie de partid aici, nu ca sa am grija de un liceu plin cu elevi intre 7 si 19 ani si mai ales de viitorul lor. A, era sa uit, cu igiena stam tot prost, gramezi de soareci la biblioteca(e inchisa,de multi ani, deci noi nu avem una)/ lab. de informatica, mai mult morti, da’ nu, nu, asta nu e o problema. Am trait cu ei, am luat si ciuma, o nimica toata, trece cu aspirina. Ca sa nu mai zic de bursele de merit, pe care noi „nu le meritam” si care „au fost donate” scolii, fara stirea celor care aveau dreptul la una, pentru ca aveam nevoie de banii aia pentru caldura. „Ce sa faca ei cu 10 lei?”, si-au varsat nervii pe o femeie pentru ca am avut curajul sa punem problema intr-un consiliu la primarie, si acolo am aflat ca erau bani pentru burse de merit, burse care nu au ajuns la noi, s-au dus pe „caldura”, saracii de noi (si noi muream de frig in fiecare iarna). Cred ca 500lei am luat ca bursa de merit, dupa sedinta aia, 100lei/luna.

Nu-i asa frumosilor? Sper ca o sa ajunga acest mic mesaj la urechile voastre! Si… Nu, mic orasel, nu e meritul lor, e meritul profesorilor cu care, toti, am facut meditatie, ca: profesoara de romana, biologie, profesorul matematica, dintre care, asa cum am mai spus, un singur profesor preda la liceul nostru frumos: de romana.

Un ziar prost   In rest, toate bune si frumoase. Din octombrie incepe facultatea, m-am inscris la Matematica si Stiinte ale Naturii, sunt la Informatica impreuna cu alti doi colegi de clasa. Cat despre cele mai bune prietene ale mele, Mimi e la Medicina, iar Mihaela e la Cibernetica, in Timisoara (o sa imi fie dor de tine, urato!!!).

Imi era dor de acest mic blog, de WordPress, de cei cu care mai vorbeam. Va salut si mult succes in continuare cu blogurile voastre 🙂

Cam atat, cred ca tot ce e aici se adreseaza in primul rand profesorilor din liceu, dar daca vreti sa va spuneti parerea, aveti unda verde din partea mea!!


O zi buna, frumosilor! 🙂

UPDATE 22.10.2019

Au trecut 4 ani si inca va amintiti.. Bun, e bine asa, pacat ca nu ati invatat nimic, liceul ala sta sa cada din cauza voastra. Pacat de cladire si de cate puteau copiii sa invete acolo. In fine, ati preferat sa le predati „viata voastra personala”, sa le dati exemple inutile si sa va indesati in buzunare, in loc sa le fiti profesori in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Da-i naiba, au bani de meditatii, sa faca meditatii, nu? De asta ati dat dovada. Apropo, si cum e cu rezultatele de la bacalaureat? Presupun ca acolo nu mai e meritul vostru, nu? Cati elevi au mai ramas? Si cati au trecut? Va doare-n cot.


Synchrony (Destiny #2) by Cindy Ray Hale – Book Blitz


Release Date: 2014
Summary from Goodreads:

When her parents discover she’s been sneaking out with Isaac Robinson the forbidden Baptist boy, Mormon girl Destiny Clark decides it’s time to keep their relationship quiet. As their relationship moves to shakier ground, Destiny discovers that Isaac has a terrible secret, and she is left completely shattered.

The moment Destiny feels all hope is lost, Preston Nelson, her longtime church friend and Isaac’s bitter rival, arrives like a beacon of light. It isn’t long before two separate disasters strike for Preston and Destiny’s best friend, Hannah. As Destiny helps them through their issues, she discovers that sometimes the best way to forget about your own problems is to help a friend in need.

Just as her heart begins to mend and her friendship with Preston begins to heat up, Isaac walks back into her life, threatening to rekindle the feelings she’d hoped to bury forever. Will Destiny and Preston find the synchrony they so desperately need, or will she find a way to forgive Isaac and return to his outstretched arms?

Available from:
Link to Book One:
About the Author


Cindy Ray Hale lives in a little
slice of wooded heaven near Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and children. She
spends way too much time following up-and-coming musicians on YouTube and
dreams of joining their ranks one day. She’s a bit of a health food nut and
can’t live without her daily green smoothies. She tries to stay sane as she
juggles writing with four kids, staying active on social media, and keeping up
her book blog at http://cinnamoncindy.blogspot.com/. In addition to writing
and self-publishing two Young Adult Contemporary novels, she has also written
articles for „New Era” magazine and The American Preppers Network.
For more information on The Destiny Trilogy and Cindy’s upcoming books visit http://destinybycindyhale.blogspot.com/ or
follow @CindyRayHale on Twitter.

Author Links:
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1 ebook of 12 Steps by Veronica Bartles, 1 ebook of Not Your
Average Fairytale by Chantelle Sedgwick,  swag pack of Destiny bookmark, a Destiny charm
bracelet, and a Synchrony keychain + $50 Amazon gift card (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom – Book Blitz

The Accidental Socialite
Release Date: 04/15/14
Swoon Romance
Summary from Goodreads:
Quirky and clumsy twenty-two-year-old Paige Crawford arrives in London on a cold Saturday in January. Just when Paige starts to think that moving thousands of miles away from home with no real plan was a bad idea, Jason Frost appears. Confident and classy, Jason is the complete opposite of Paige and just what she needs in her life, or so she thinks.But before their romance has time to blossom, Paige trips and falls into the arms of a mysterious man on a drunken night out. She’s snapped by paparazzi, and newspaper headlines the next day suggest that she’s having an affair with a married footballer.

Paige finds herself instantly elevated to tabloid celebrity status which isn’t exactly a picnic, particularly when trying to juggle her new job at Fashionista magazine, a catalog of dating disasters and a nagging doubt that she maybe she can’t conquer London after all.

When a trip back to Canada for Christmas reminds Paige why she left her old life behind, she returns to London with renewed vigor realizing that while jobs, flats and men may come and go, friends in London are forever.


I was practically down on my knees praying they would have a table for one when the Gap model/waiter from the other day spotted me and came over.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, eyes darting around behind me.

“Ummm, you serve food and I’m hungry, isn’t that normally how restaurants work?” I was clearly doing all I could to squash that ‘Canadians are super nice’ rumour.

“Come with me.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back of the restaurant. “No, I mean what are you doing out after last night?”

I knew I looked like shit, but how did he know what kind of night I had? He grew impatient with my obvious hangover induced mental handicap and shoved today’s copy of The Sun in my face.

It took me a minute to register what I was seeing but once I did, I dropped onto the banquette in shock. There I was on the front cover of England’s best selling national newspaper in an apparent romantic embrace with a man I’d never seen before. The paper named him as Stuart Smith, superstar Chelsea footballer, notorious ladies man, and apparently married to some pop star named Kerry. Poop.

Gap model/waiter sat down next to me. “What happened? Are you dating him?”

“Uh –Uh-, No! No I’m not! I was at The Box and there were all these flashes and I tripped and I don’t know. Oh my god! Seriously, I got here YESTERDAY!” Why was I on the front cover of this paper?

The article insinuated that I was some home wrecker that this Stuart guy had been fooling around with behind the back of his beautiful wife. Easy, I was just going to have to call up the paper and get this whole thing fixed. No big deal. And it was a pretty good picture of me, so that was an upside to the whole debacle.

The waiter was freaking out. “Listen honey my name is Duncan and this is my number. I know someone at The Sun and I’m sure he’ll sort this out for you. Are you hungry? Eggs Benedict again?” This guy seemed to think this was a bigger deal than I did. My brain knew I should be slightly more alarmed, but my head was still clouded and would be until I had food.

“Yes please.” I gave him my biggest smile. Nobody actually cared about this, right?

I picked at my meal and pretended not to notice everyone staring at me. My appetite was gone, which was not only strange, but also tragic because the hollandaise was shouting ‘eat me now!’ Why on earth did this paper jump to a conclusion that was so clearly false? And why did everyone believe what they read?

About the Author

Growing up in Edmonton, Canada, a significant amount of Stephanie’s time was spent making up and acting out stories. She was studying to be an actress when she realized there weren’t any parts for women being written. So, Stephanie wrote herself a short screenplay just to be in it and quickly realized that writing was her true passion. She graduated from the University of Alberta with an English and Sociology degree and she also has a Bachelor of Motion Picture Arts from Red Deer College. She moved to New York on a whim after University and has written a variety of TV shows including an environmentally friendly lifestyle series and a tween magazine style show about celebrities. Stephanie moved to London in 2008 and aside from being obsessed with Eggs Benedict, shoes, Fruit Roll Ups and travelling, she also works in Children’s Television. 
Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png   photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.pngGIVEAWAY:

1 ebook of The Accidental Socialite + $10 Amazon Gift Card (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway




😈  Never played by the rules I never really cared… We stand and we won’t fall; we’re the one and one for all… 😈


Skid Row is an American rock band band, formed in 1986 in Toms River, New Jersey. They were very successful in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with their first three multi-platinum albums. In their years of greatest success the band consisted of Sebastian Bach (vocals), Dave „The Snake” Sabo (guitar), Scotti Hill (guitar), Rachel Bolan (bass) and Rob Affuso (drums). As of 2010, the band consists of Sabo, Hill, Bolan, Johnny Solinger (vocals), and Rob Hammersmith (drums). At the end of 1996 the band had sold 20 million albums worldwide.

In February 2013, Skid Row announced that they had signed with Megaforce Records. It was also announced that their upcoming release, entitled United World Rebellion: Chapter One, would be released on April, 16 as an EP and not a studio album, with several other EPs being released within the following 12-18 months. In addition, a sample of a new track entitled „Kings of Demolition” was also released.

In early February 2014, the band returned to the studio to begin work on United World Rebellion: Chapter Two. The release date for new EP is tentatively set for June 2014. 😉

Souce: Wikipedia


Ai mei!


Uite ma, am facut si eu 18. N-ai spune, stiu, dar asta e. Asta imi e fata, nu pot sa o schimb si nici nu vreau, imi place, chiar daca mai spun ca nu. Eh, bine, nu i-am facut acu’ ci pe 21 Martie. Dar de, vreau sa ma laud si eu putin, sau macar sa incerc. 


Nu am avut petrecere si nu am facut mare tam-tam. Mi se pare o prostie sa faci atatea pentru un numar. 18 😐 .Da, multe se schimba, dar si cand am facut 14 ani multe s-au schimbat. Trebuia sa dau o petrecere si atunci? Nu, nu am facut nimic. Am fost la film, la Divergent, cu sor’mea si cu cele doua cele mai bune prietene; ne-am plimbat prin oras si… si cam asta a fost. Dar a fost frumos. Nu m-am plictisit, nici macar o secunda. La film, mai-mai ca era sa scot nachos pe nas cand am vazut reactia Mihaelei cand Tris si Four s-au sarutat. Isi dadea palme, incerca sa isi acopere fata – era indragostita de Four.

Apoi venise randul meu sa imi dau palme si sa fac pe lesinata cand l-au filmat pe fratele lui Tris din nu stiu ce unghi si semana cu un foarte dragut si destept tip pe care nu il cunosc, dar l-am vazut de cateva ori… Sau, cum sa te plictisesti cand, la sfarsitul filmului, tot ea se gaseste sa verse „gustarile” peste tot, asta dupa ce le stransese… de doua ori. Avusesem grija sa ascult fiecare melodie din film, si cantam… in soapta… eram singura.

Cum sa te plictisesti cand, inainte de film dai pe la o cofetarie, sau ce era aia, pentru prima data si iti comanzi ce suna mai bine, dar cu un gust oribil… Mimi si Andreea au spus asta, nu eu!

Ai mei mi-au facut un cadou perfect: un aparat foto. Il iubesc, iubesc fotografia aproape la fel de mult cum iubesc desenul.

Oooo si tortul a fost….

Asta da majorat. Mi-a placut, mai vreau!

+ ca am acceptat propunerea celor de la Bibliocarti.com . A fost ceva neplanificat dar o iau ca pe un cadou. 😀



Tanith Prophecy by Leandra Martin


Dark One Rising (Tanith Prophecy #1)

by Leandra Martin

The Kingdom of Aelethia has been quiet for five hundred years, but the Dark One is rising from out of the depths. All of Aelethia will perish unless the Chosen One comes forward to save them. Unfortunately, the Chosen One doesn’t know her destiny in the world; she only knows she is odd and confused about where her destiny lies.

She wants to find love, but the men in her life that actually love her, she cannot have, and the only one that wants her is as evil as they come. The elves know of her destiny and must tell her and train her in time, in order to fulfill the prophesy that has been laid out before her.
Can she become the person they have waited for? Can she, in time, destroy the evil that is threatening to overtake her kingdom? With friends to guide her and a man to whom she truly loves beside her, she may be able to save Aelethia.

“Welcome to Drydon Keep in Azlyn, Your Highness. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“And you as well, Your Majesty,” she said politely, keeping her tone light. “Your reputation precedes you.”
Dain looked at Alek but he only put his hands up in defense. “Not from me, Your Majesty.”
“Hmmm,” he said, his tone conveying amusement. “That doesn’t bode well for me, for any stories relayed by anyone other than my friends cannot be flattering in the least.”
“Stories tend to be exaggerated, Your Majesty, especially by those who talk only to hear the sound of their own voice.” She didn’t know about the other rumors yet, but the descriptions of his extraordinary good looks were certainly true.
He looked at her for a moment, then laughed. “Well said, Princess. Perhaps you speak from experience.”

First of all, thank you Inkwater Press  for sending me this amazing book, and thank you Leandra Martin for understanding that little problem.

I don’t want to tell you Melethia’s story, I don’t want you to read it from my blog, this is an amazing book, all of you should read it. I wanted to participate in this tour because of the synopsis of Dark One Rising. I am a fan of Harry Potter series, The Lord of the rings series and The Hobbit, and somehow, Tanith Prophecy  reminded me of these books… I knew I had to read it. Although I read Dark One Rising and Aelethia’s Hope, the first one is my favourite. Why? He he, because… because there I found for the first time what an amazing character Dain is, what a powerful women Melethia is and how beautiful and dangerous evil can be – Fallon. Yes, I like Fallon, but I’m in love with Dain.

I didn’t like Melethia that much, I have to say. I know that, if she embraced her destiny from the beggining, the great story… well I have to write this: great story=0.

Another thing… Why did the author used „like a school girl”? I don’t think that this was used then, and I don’t know why she used it, but this was Leandra Martin‘s choice, she created this world it is hers, and she is making the rules. 

She waved back, her ears warmer now from embarrassment at being noticed, gawking like a school girl.

The author created a new world, a world where I would love to live, I saw it and I loved it. I love everything about these books and I highly recommend them to fantasy readers who are romantics at heart.

He watched her speak, enraptured by every word that came out of her delicate mouth. She spoke like a woman, but with a passion of a child, mesmerized by the smallest detail of life. He was excited just listening to her describing what most people would find ordinary, passionate about things that grown people have forgotten about.

Aelethia’s Hope (Tanith Prophecy #2)

by Leandra Martin

With the completion of Melenthia’s training by the elves, she is ready to return to the love of her life. With her knowledge and training, and the revelation that she has Elvin blood, she hopes her relationship with Dain won’t fail, or the destiny she must face in defeating the darkness. Fallon has grown strong and is preparing for war.
Kevaan and his knights plan to take back Lachlan Castle from Fallon’s grip, and Alek must reach the Chancellor in the west before war breaks out. With faith that the Isamarians will join them in the fight to save the world, Melenthia will prepare herself for the ultimate battle, one against Fallon and the Dark One.
Join Melenthia and her friends on this perilous battle between good and evil. Will this be the end for her and Dain? With Tanith’s power, will she be able to withstand the strength of Fallon and the Dark One? Or will she fail and watch as all of Aelethia falls into darkness? This is the exciting finale of the journey of the Chosen One and her powerful sword Tanith.

„Only when invited can you touch.”
“I’m not even sure I want to.”

Book of Bart by Ryan Hill – Cover Reveal

Oh, I Love this book cover!


About Book of Bart:

Genre: young-adult, humorous, satirical paranormal-fantasy

Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press

Date of Publication: May 22nd, 2014

Cover Artist: Conzpiracy Digital Arts


Only one thing is so powerful, so dangerous that Heaven and Hell must work together to find it: the Shard of Gabriel.

With a mysterious Black Cloud of Death hot on the shard’s trail, a desperate Heaven enlists the help of Bart, a demon who knows more about the shard than almost anyone. Six years ago, he had it in his hands. If only he’d used it before his coup to overthrow the devil failed. Now, he’s been sprung from his eternal punishment to help Samantha, an angel in training, recover the shard before the Black Cloud of Death finds it.

If Bartholomew wants to succeed, he’ll have to fight the temptation to betray Samantha and the allure of the shard. After an existence full of evil, the only way Bart can get right with Hell is to be good.

Add Book of Bart to your Goodreads ‘to-be-read’ list.


RyanAbout Ryan Hill:

Growing up, Ryan Hill used to spend his time reading and writing instead of doing homework. This resulted in an obsession with becoming a writer, but also a gross incompetence in the fields of science and mathematics. A graduate of North Carolina State University, Ryan has been a film critic for over five years. He lives in Raleigh, NC, with his dog/shadow Maggie. Ryan also feels strange about referring to himself in the third person.

Find Ryan Hill Online:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



Eastland by Marian Cheatham – Cover Reveal

by Marian Cheatham
Release Date: 02/14/14
Book Summary:
For hardworking teen, Dee Pageau, the
annual employee picnic will let her escape the drudgery of work and possibly
find love with her best friend Mae’s older brother, Karel. But in 1915 Chicago,
girls don’t go on picnics without their mother’s approval. 
Unfortunately for
Dee, Mama has had a premonition of disaster and forbids Dee from going. Forced
to watch as Mae and Karel leave without her, Dee defies Mama and rushes off to
join her friends. 
But Dee’s joy soon turns to terror when the ship ferrying
them to the picnic capsizes. Rescued not once but twice-by Karel and a
mysterious sailor-Dee finds herself tested in unimaginable ways. What happens
next turns out to be worse … and better … than anything Dee ever expected.

About the Author:

Marian Cheatham lives in a suburb of Chicago
with her family and their menagerie of pets. A graduate of Northern Illinois
University, Marian taught Special Education for many years before becoming a
full-time writer. 

Author Links:

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