Letter from Jace to Clary

Despite everything, I can’t bear the thought of this ring being lost forever, any more then I can bear the thought of leaving you forever. And though i have no choice about the one, at least I can choose about the other. Im leaving you our family ring because you have as much right to it as i do
I’m writing this watching the sun come up. You’re asleep, dreams moving behind your restless eyelids. I wish i knew what you were thinking. I wish I could slip into your head and see the world the way you do. I wish I could see myself the way you do. But maybe I dont want to see that. Maybe It would make me feel even more than I already do that I’m perpetuating some kind of Great Lie on you, and I couldnt stand that.
I belong to you. You could do anything you wanted with me and i would let you. You could ask anything of me and I’d break myself trying to make you happy. My heart tells me this is the best and greatest feeling i have ever had. But my mind knows the difference between wanting what you cant have and wanting what you shouldnt want. and I shouldnt want you.
All night I’ve watched you sleeping, watched the moonlight come and go, casting it’s shadows across your face in black and white. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. I think of the life we could have had if things were different, a life where this night is not a singular event, separate from everything else that’s real, but every night. But things aren’t different, and I cant look at you without feeling like ive tricked you into loving me.
The truth no one is willing to say out loud is that no one has a shot against Valentine but me. I can get close to him like no one else can. I can pretend I want to join him and hell believe me, up until that last moment where I end it all, one way or another. I have something of Sebastians; I can track him to where my fathers hiding, and thats what im going to do. So I lied to you last night. I said I just wanted one night with you. But i want every night with you. And thats why I have to slip out of your window now, like a coward. Because if I had to tell you this to your face, I couldnt make myself go.
I dont blame you if you hate me, I wish you would. As long as I can stil dream, I will dream of you





Nirvana a fost o trupă de muzică grunge rock fondată în 1987 în Aberdeen, statul Washington, SUA.
Trupa a început să devină cunoscută în „mainstream”-ul muzicii rock mulțumită piesei „Smells Like Teen Spirit” de pe albumul lor din 1991 „Nevermind” . Tot mulțumită acestui succes au devenit populare și alte trupe de „grunge” precum Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, sau Soundgarden. Astfel, rock-ul alternativ a fost introdus masiv în mass-media americană de la începutul anilor ’90 ai secolului trecut.


„Later, she tried calling Emily, who said she and Tommy were studying—uh-huh—and that she would call her later. Grace didn’t expect a call back. All Emily had time for anymore was Tommy. Before Tommy, she and Emily were practically joined at the hip. Since Tommy, Grace had started feeling pretty lonely.”


stack of books

“Există șase motive pentru care cineva face ceva: Dragoste. Credință. Lăcomie. Plictiseală. Teamă. Răzbunare.”


Immagica by K. A. Last – Cover Reveal + Giveaway

KALast_Immagica_CoverRevealFinalTitle: Immagica
Author: K. A. Last
Genre: YA Fantasy/Adventure
Expected Date of Publication: November 2013
Word Count: approximately 66,000
Cover Illustration: Lawrence Mann
Cover Designer: KILA Designs –


a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Book Blurb***

Immagica… Where anything is possible, but not always controllable. Enter at your own risk.

The night before her fifteenth birthday, Rosaline Clayton receives an amulet from her deranged father. He tells her she must find the book, and begs her to save him. Rosaline is used to her father not making any sense, and she dismisses their conversation as another of his crazy rants.

Rosaline and her younger brother, Elliot, find the old, leather-bound book tucked away in their Nana’s attic, and it sucks them into its pages. They land in a magical world where anything is possible, but when Rosaline and Elliot are separated, the only thing Rosaline wants is to find her brother and go home.

The creatures of Immagica have other ideas. Rosaline befriends a black unicorn, two fairies, and a girl named Brynn, who are under threat from a menacing dragon. Rosaline discovers she is bound to Immagica in ways she doesn’t understand, and the fate of this magical world rests entirely on her shoulders.


The book flew open and a gust of wind whipped my curls around my face. The pages riffled back and forth before coming to a halt, open at the first page. This was getting a little weird. I was about to slam the book shut when words began to appear of their own volition, right before our eyes.

“Um, Elliot. Can you see that? Or am I as crazy as Dad?”

“I can see it,” he whispered.

Immagica, the place where anything is possible, but not always controllable.
Enter at your own risk.

“What a load of crap,” I said, picking the book up. The new line of text flickered gold and pulsed, on then off, then on again, like a flashing, neon sign. I gingerly picked up the corner of the page and peeked under it to the next, but it was blank.

“How do we enter?” Elliot asked, leaning into me and staring at the book.

“Why do you keep asking me all these questions? You’re here, you know as much as I do.”

“You’re older, and always acting so much smarter than me,” Elliot said. I poked my tongue out. “That’s real mature.” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, so you’re Mr Maturity now you’re a teenager.”

“Sometimes I’m more mature than you!”

While we argued, we were oblivious to what was happening. The book riffled its pages again, and another gust of wind hit our faces. Before we knew what was happening, the golden glow exploded from the book and sucked us in. That’s the best way I can describe it. One minute we were in my room, surrounded by my grandmother’s elegant interior decorating, and the next we were enveloped with gold light.

At first I felt Elliot beside me, but then he was gone. The light was warm, like a soft, fuzzy blanket. Then the ground hit me in the face. It was hard and rough. The force of my landing knocked the wind out of me, and I tumbled over myself before coming to a halt on my back. Above me was an azure sky dotted with fluffy, marshmallow clouds. I turned my head and spotted the book lying closed on the ground a few metres away. I tried to move to retrieve it, but it took a few moments before I could roll onto my side and get to my knees.

When I finally managed to stand, I took in my surroundings with wide eyes. The sky may have been blue, but the ground was dirty charcoal. Lumps of gravel mixed with sand and dead grass. It stretched on, and on, nothing but barren wasteland no matter which way I turned. The only break in the landscape was where the horizon met the sky.

A lump of fear rose in my throat. Where was Elliot?

I didn’t know where I was, and I was completely alone.

About the Author:
K. A. Last was born in Subiaco, Western Australia, and moved to Sydney with her parents and older brother when she was eight. Artistic and creative by nature, she studied Graphic Design and graduated with an Advanced Diploma. After marrying her high school sweetheart, she concentrated on her career before settling into family life. Blessed with a vivid imagination, she began writing to let off creative steam, and fell in love with it. She now resides in a peaceful, leafy suburb north of Sydney with her husband, their two children, and a rabbit named Twitch.

Author web links:
Amazon Author Page:



Lana Del Rey ( Elizabeth Woolridge Grant ) este o cântăreață și compozitoare americană care și-a făcut debutul discografic în anul 2010, odată cu lansarea albumului Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant. Discul nu s-a bucurat de succes, însă Lana avea să câștige notorietate un an mai târziu mulțumită piesei „Video Games”. Bucurându-se de susținerea publicațiilor online din întreaga lume, Del Rey a obținut în octombrie 2011 un contract de management cu casa de discuri Interscope Records, care s-a angajat să distribuie cel de-al doilea album de studio al artistei – Born to Die (lansat pe 30 ianuarie 2012).



The Kelly Family au interpretat melodii rock, pop și folk înregistrând un succes imens în Europa și mai ales în Germania, Benelux, Scandinavia, Europa de Est, Spania și Portugalia. Trupa a avut vânzări de peste 20 de milioane de albume începând cu anii ’80. Timp de mulți ani, grupul a afișat un stil gipsy, călătorind prin Europa într-un autobuz etajat sau în căruțe cu coviltir, îmbrăcându-se eclectic și purtând părul foarte lung. În ultimii ani stilul lor a fost considerat mai mult mainstream.


catsLuna atârna la jumătatea bolții, deasupra orizontului, un biscuit mare de alabastru. Emma și-a abătut privirea spre două stele strălucitoare, pe care le cunoștea, aflate la Răsărit. Pe când avea nouă ani, denumise cu nostalgie  steaua din dreapta Steaua Mami, iar pe cea din stânga, Steaua Tati. Și pe cea mai micuță, care sclipea chiar sub acestea două, Steaua Emma. Născocise o mulțime de povești legate de aceste stele, pretinzând că erau adevărata ei familie și că, într-o bună zi, se vor reuni pe Pământ, așa cum erau pe cer.


23 August

M-am gandit sa-i mai dau o sansa rubricii „Filme”- nu am mai postat de aproape 8 luni, he, he; imi cam era dor de ea. 😀


Filme care vor avea premiera saptamana asta:

Toate cele 5 filme- din 23 August in toate cinematografele din Romania.

Sursa: Cinemagia


–      Într-o zi, voi avea întreaga putere a Regelui Verii, la fel cum a avut-o tata. Domnia ta se va sfârși. Gata cu frigul. Gata cu puterea nestăpânită. Își coborî vocea, sperând să ascundă tremurul din glas. Atunci vom vedea cine este cu adevărat mai puternic.

    Stătu acolo pentru un moment, tăcută și nemișctă. Atunci puse o mână rece pe pieptul lui și se ridică, împingându-l ușor. Gheața forma o rețea care pornea din palma ei, târându-se peste el până începu să-l doară atât de tare, încât nu s-ar fi putut mișca chiar dacă l-ar fi împins  însăși Vânătoare Sălbatică.

–    Ce discurs drăguț.  De fiecare dată e tot mai amuzant   –   ca într-unul dintre showurile alea de televiziune. Îl sărută pe amândoi obrajii,  lăsând în urma buzelor un semn de degerătură și gerul să i se strecoare prin piele, amintindu-i ca ea – nu eu, nu încă – deține toată puterea. Ăsta e unul dintre lucrurile drăgălașe ale micului nostru aranjament   –    dacă ar trebui să am de-a face cu un rege adevărat, mi-ar lipsi jocurile noastre.