Am un car de nervi! Nu imi iese nimic,  de zile intregi ma chinui sa desenez, dar nimic nu-mi iese…nu mi s-a mai intamplat asta de cand ma stiu… si urasc gandul ca daca o tin tot asa as ajunge sa iau o decizie si nu voi avea cale de intoarcere.  Oare voi avea curaj sa dau ochii cu profesoara de istorie, tinand cont ca maine trebuie sa duc desenul pe care nici nu l-am terminat si probabil nici nu il voi termina?Acum zace pe podea, n-am ce sa-i fac! Am incercat sa ma calmez, prin citit…aseara am terminat doua carti. Doua carti in nici 2 zile si m-am apucat de a 3-a- „Bloodspell” de Amalie Howard. Probabil ca o sa revin mai tarziu cu recenziile pentru „School Spirits” de Rachel Hawkins si „Once Dead, Twice Shy ” de Kim Harrison, asta daca imi trece durerea ingrozitoare de cap. Mai jos aveti despre Blodspell…



Bloodspell (Bloodspell, #1)

The spell was simple…
Cruentus Protectum (Defend the Blood)
But what do you do if your blood is your enemy?
Victoria Warrick has always known she was different. An outcast at school, she is no stranger to adversity. But when she receives an old journal for her seventeenth birthday, nothing prepares her for the dark secrets it holds – much less one that reveals she’s a witch with unimaginable power.
What’s more, when she meets the dazzling but enigmatic Christian Devereux, she has no idea how much her life is about to change. Enemies will hunt her. Friends will turn on her. The terrible curse that makes her blood run black will stop at nothing to control her. And Christian has a sinister secret of his own…
Without knowing whom to trust, can Victoria survive her blood’s deadly desires? Or will she lose everything, including herself?

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